KHBPA Petition on Race Day Lasix

The KHBPA is gathering petitions to present to the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission in support of race-day Lasix at a town hall meeting on June 5th. Below are downloadable copies of the petition for Owners and Trainers.


Please take a moment to fill out the petition and fax or mail it to the KHBPA no later than June 1st. Their contact information is on the petition and listed below for your convenience. 


Copies are also available in all of our offices if you would prefer to fill out the petition in person and turn it into our staff.


Owner Lasix Petition Form

Trainer Lasix Petition Form

 KHBPA Contact Information

Fax: 502-367-6800


Kentucky Horsemen's Benevolent and Protective Association
3729 S. 4th Street
Louisville, KY 40214

Phone: 502-363-1077