/The Gentilly Office is still closed due to the Hurricane. It will re-open when conditions permit.
For Workers Comp, the Louisiana Downs Field
Office (318-746-1149) will be open Tuesday
through Sunday 8AM to 4PM. If you have an
emergency, call Mike Fenasci at 504-214-6873 or
Tammy Broussard at 337-356-3025.
For Bookkeeper, the Evangeline Bookkeeper
(337-594-3123) will be open Tuesday August 28th
from 8AM to 4PM. The Louisiana Downs
Bookkeeper (318-742-3986) will be open on
Wednesday August 29th from 8AM to 4PM. If you
have an emergency, call Ed Fenasci at 504-812-
8771 or Bobbie Laviolette at 504-329-7871.