HBPA Request to LSRC

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Click here to download the referenced letter

September 2, 2020 

Charles Gardiner
Executive Director
Louisiana State Racing Commission
320 North Carrollton Avenue Suite 2B
New Orleans, LA 70119 

Dear Charles: 

Hurricane Laura struck southwest Louisiana on Thursday morning August 27, 2020 causing massive amounts of destruction and damage.  Unfortunately, Delta Downs race track suffered significant damage as well.  Two days prior to the storm making landfall, attempts were made by the LAHBPA to relocate approximately 700 quarter horses and their caretakers that were located at Delta Downs to Fair Grounds.  This attempt was unsuccessful.  As a result, these horses and their caretakers endured the storm at Delta Downs which fortunately did not result in loss of life to horses or people. 

At first opportunity following landfall, Delta Downs management advised the LAHBPA that its barn area and facility sustained significant damage which required the immediate removal of all horses and personal from the backside for their safety and so that repairs could begin.  Delta Downs advised the LAHBPA that they had contacted representatives of the Fair Grounds requesting their assistance to accept the horses and personal that needed to be evacuated.  This request was denied.  Immediately, the LAHBPA worked with its horsemen in attempting to relocate these quarter horses throughout the state of Louisiana.  Simultaneously, benevolent funding was setup to assist for the payment of stall rental and bedding for all these horses as well as to assist its members in need.  The Equine sales barns in Opelousas took in 227 horses, their capacity, plus personal commencing on Saturday the 29th.  LAHBPA representative was onsite and assisted with the process.  The receiving barn at Evangeline Downs race track took in 53 quarter horses; Stemmans farm took in an additional 50 horses; Sam Houston race track took more than 120 quarter horses for evacuee stabling.  Approximately 200 other quarter horses that were stabled at Delta Downs have been removed from the backside to various small locations throughout the state.  Currently, approximately 120 quarter horses remain at Delta Downs with no place to go.  Except for the 50 horses at the Evangeline Downs receiving barn, none of the quarter horses are at a location where they can train.  To compound the problem further, the stalls at the sales barn are only 10’ by 10’ which is significantly smaller than LSRC guidelines. 

As you know, the LSRC approved quarter horse racing to begin for the 2020 Fair Grounds meet at Evangeline Downs on September 17th and continue through October 8th.  This meet is to be immediately followed by the Evangeline Downs 2020 quarter horse meet which runs from October 9th to December 19th.  The quarter horses for these meets are unable to move into Evangeline Downs since approximately 800 thoroughbreds are on site as the Evangeline Downs 2020 thoroughbred meet just concluded on August 29th and are unable to move to Delta Downs.  Accordingly, the relocation of these thoroughbreds is critical and immediate relief is needed.  This relief includes the ability of all quarter horses to stable at Evangeline Downs to resume training in preparation of the scheduled race meets.

As of this date, it is unknown exactly when Delta Downs’ backside will be repaired for thoroughbred horses to be stabled there for the hopeful resumption of the 2020-2021 Delta Downs thoroughbred meet.  Attempts have been made to relocate the thoroughbreds at Evangeline to various locations which also allow for training.  Sam Houston race track is unable to assist.  Louisiana Downs has advised that they have approximately 350 stalls available spread throughout the barn area without continuous stalls and with no room for personnel.  Louisiana Downs is currently conducting its 2020 thoroughbred meet which concludes on September 23rd.  Louisiana Downs has advised that after that date, stalls will be made available for rental which includes training on the race track. 

The actions outlined above were the direct result of the Fair Grounds denying, on August 29th, that the thoroughbreds located at Evangeline Downs could relocate to the Fair Grounds (see attached letter of August 28, 2020 sent to Fair Grounds and copied to the LSRC).  The Louisiana HBPA then requested, on August 29th, for an emergency meeting of the Commission to address these critical issues. 

On behalf of Louisiana Horsemen, the Louisiana HBPA prays for the following relief and an emergency order be issued at this critical time: 

1.       Thoroughbreds scheduled to be stabled at Delta Downs for the 2020-2021 TB meet, including those stabled at Evangeline Downs, be allowed immediate access to stalls to stable at both Louisiana Downs and Fair Grounds.

2.       The personnel caring for these horses be provided customary living quarters.

3.       Horses stabled at these facilities be allowed to train Monday through Saturday, with associated gate and timed works on Saturday.

4.       Training hours to be from 6AM to 10AM with a half hour break.

5.       Backside is to be maintained with Security and Maintenance as required.

6.       Horses stabled at the Fair Grounds will be allowed to remain until October 15, 2020, at which time, they will depart the Fair Grounds and return to Delta Downs or in the alternative, Louisiana Downs.

7.       Horses associated with trainers located at the Fair Grounds, that have been allocated stalls for the 2020-2021 thoroughbred meet will be allowed to stay and continue training. 

The Louisiana HBPA recognizes the assistance and help needed from Louisiana Downs and Fair Grounds at this historic time.  The LAHBPA will pay stall rent as well as the immediate bedding of stalls as required.  The LAHBPA is in the final stages of making arrangement for all individuals coming to the Fair Grounds to be tested for Covid-19, if required.  The LAHBPA will work diligently with all trainers, their employees, and the Fair Grounds to ensure that all EPA requirements are met.   

Finally, time is of the essence for the LSRC to act and assist our horsemen in safely relocating their horses and personnel for Louisiana racing to continue.  The Louisiana HBPA requests that the Louisiana State Racing Commission exercise its full authority on an emergency basis under its force majeure powers to ensure that the items outlined above are performed immediately by each race track without exception pursuant to an emergency order entered this day to take effect immediately.      

Benard K. Chatters

      Cc: Steve Kuypers
      Cc: Doug Shipley
      Cc: Carol Core
      Cc: Robert Urland
      Cc: LSRC Commissioners